A Painting A Day - #11
This value study featured direction value and shape. Papa bear is mid then dark then light.

A Painting A Day - #10
Decided to do a touch of whimsy on this one since the dominant element was color shape and direction and papa bear light then mid then dark.

A Painting A Day - #9
This painting was completed in the workshop but my value sketches are the same. Dominance value shape direction and papa bear mid, dark,...

A Painting A Day - #8
Limited color palette and more muted and cool Dominance was shape size value Papa bear was mid, light then dark. The mid values were...

A Painting A Day - #7
The dominance was about direction line shape and value. Papa bear was mid, dark light. . Like the cast shadow. Love the interest in the...

A Painting A Day - #6
This is number 6. Obviously line and shape are dominant. Papa bear is mid then light, dark. Like the orange against the toned down purple.

A Painting A Day - #5
The dominance was shape direction size and line. Papa bear is mid dark and light. From my value sketch most were almost evenly divided. I...

A Painting A Day - #4
Number 4 morphed into something a little different than my original value study. The idea was papa bear dark light then mid. Dominance is...

A Painting A Day - #3
Third in series, Dominance of shape value. Papa bear dark mid tone then light

A Painting A Day - #2
Second in the series. Dominance of value shape line size. Papa bear value light mid then dark