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Pam England Artist


I have had a passion for art for as long as I can remember and love any creative outlets that come my way. Watercolor is my favorite medium. I love the way the colors have a mind of their own; they can be bold, rich and dramatic, or soft, pastel and understated. It is fascinating to watch a painting come alive and blend together simply by adjusting the amount of water and pigment, with careful manipulation of the paper and brush. Some of my favorite paintings are ones which begin without preplanning or drawings, and just are allowed to "happen" when color has been applied loosely in this manner. I will often put down random colors with nothing particular in mind, let the colors mingle and put it aside to dry. When I return to the paper, I let the colors tell me what it should be, allowing spontaneity. This also allows me to stay loose in my painting. By filling in the background first, the subjects will stay brighter and require less detail. I love painting nature: flowers, landscapes, floral scapes, trees, water scenes, homes and gardens, buildings, people and pets. I also dabble in some non-objective and abstract work. I prefer a bright, colorful palette which is evident in my paintings. I love to experiment with different methods, new products and surfaces, and other mediums to keep my mind and work fresh.


I enjoy painting outdoors (plein air) when the weather is nice. as well as in the studio working from photos or memory. I have had the opportunity to travel extensively the last few years to many wonderful places including Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, the Caribbean, Spain, Malta, Sicily, and Italy, and now have hundreds of photos for references, and as I paint from them, I get to "revisit" the wonderful time spent at each place. As I travel, I keep a journal filled with quick sketches and small paintings of things I know I will want to develop into full-size paintings when I return home. Once I'm back in the studio and working on one of these pictures, I can reminisce about my trip and the time spent in that location!

© 2016 by Pamela England, All Rights Reserved.  Created by J Communications Group

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